The World's Fastest-Growing eCommerce Region

Ideal Customers

The Gulf Cooperation Countries (GCC) are filled with young, tech-savvy consumers with plenty of disposable incomes. Internet and smartphone penetration rates are among the highest in the world, making this a highly desirable region for your brand.

Immense Opportunity

As the world’s fastest-growing eCommerce frontier, the MENA region holds immense potential for global brands. eCommerce transactions in the region have grown 25% annually since 2014, with no signs of slowing down.

Nuanced Markets

The MENA region isn’t uniform. It consists of many markets with different cultures and consumer behavior. To succeed here, you need a partner who’s familiar with the nuances of all 20+ countries.

Low Competition

Many brands continue to be unavailable or overpriced due to barriers to entry and inefficient distribution models. This means lower competition for your brand than you have in your home market.

Let's get in touch

Tell us a bit about your brand and then get an expert consultation on how we can help you grow!